fTalk is an instant messenger that lets you chat with your friends on Facebook.
Facebook offers this service through its interface, but using fTalk you will be able to chat with your friends through this program, whose interface is very similar to Windows Live Messenger´s. It shows your image, message, and then a "Search" window. It also provides an "I like" link. Then, it shows the list of online and offline friends.
If you want to connect with a friend, by double-clicking on his/her name, the program will open the "Chat" window. On it, you will be able to write messages that your friend will receive through the Facebook chat or fTalk, if it is installed on her/his machine.
The "Chat" window is also very similar to WLM. It shows the photo of your friend, along with her/his name and status, and direct links to the profile and photos of your friend. It also includes a direct access that will enable you to send a Facebook message to your friend. You can send Facebook messages to your off-line friends through this program. Into the messages you can include emoticons, and text.